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•   Barbara Gough (Brady)  10/22
•   Julye Miller (Berry)  10/22
•   Margaret J Nelson  10/23
•   Jeff Barnes  10/26
•   Bruce Ross  10/27
•   Phil Ewing  10/29
•   Terri Coleman (Solomon)  10/31
•   Howard Nagelberg  10/31
•   Genny Murphy (Powers)  11/1
•   Ellyn Paullin (Dorsey)  11/2
•   William Quateman  11/4
•   Bob Bell  11/5
•   Barry Branstrom  11/5
•   Bonnie Wishne  11/5
•   Jay Shirman  11/6
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•   Ernest Perry (Johnson)  2023
•   Gregory Hansen  2024
•   Peter Neulist  2023
•   Joseph Jung  2023
•   Bruce Axelrod  2023
•   Geri Rudnick (Hirschtritt)  2023
•   Mike Barnes ('64)  2023
•   Fern Bomchill (Davis)  2022
•   Ruth Schori (Carrell)  2020
•   Judy Blasdell (Bligh)  2020
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 48.6%

A:   422   Joined
B:   447   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Steven Smithson  10/17
•   Lance Stouffer  10/14
•   John Tetzlaff  10/12
•   Alex Posner  10/9
•   Dr Robert Prinz  9/18
•   Jeff Barnes  9/15
•   Terry Miller  8/30
•   Stephanie Misaki (Whiting)  8/15
•   Elliot Sanders  8/9
•   Bonnie Wolsky (Greene)  7/20
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You've arrived at the *official* Class of 1965 web site!  

If you're a member of the ETHS Class of 1965


9/6/2024 - REMINDER! - ETHS 100th Anniversary events "kick off" in the football stadium on September 14!

In case you've been putting it off since our last announcement in June (below), now's the time to make your plans to head over to your beloved alma mater to honor its Centennial.

We Evanstonians don't just celebrate - we Carnivale! Click here for further information and to find out how to register.


4/20/2024 - We helped to create this!

On April 16th, the ETHS Foundation, which raises private dollars for the school, hosted the official opening of the Health Science Center. The new classroom features a simulated hospital setup, including five patient beds and industry standard medical equipment.

Read all about it here.

1/31/2024 Student Thanks for '65ers Donation

... and invitation to be WILD on Friday, Mar 15

If you are interested in receiving thanks in person, we are invited to attend the annual ETHS Foundation Benefit on March 15 - bring your wallet! For details, visit the ETHS Foundation website.

Your Donations at Work!

12/19/2023 - Our outgoing class treasurer, Sherry Drew Esq., shares this letter she received from the ETHS Foundation, thanking us, the Class of 1965, for our contribution to the education of future STEM Wildkits. Yay us!


Forums Reactivated!

11/14/2023 - Back by popular request - well, one guy - the discussion forums that were closed 4-5 years ago because they were dead, have been revived and reactivated. This is in part due to the crazy world we live in now and how many of us like to try to make sense of it via conversation, but primarily due to the lively and passionate discussion started by Barbara Gough Brady on the Conversation page of this website. The latter page is not ideal, in that discussion gets interspersed with birthday and other announcements and jumps around chaotically, resulting in a lack of coherence and continuity.

Hence - resurrection of the Forums which will allow focused discussion of single topics. Right now, besides school discussions, there are only two Forums: POLITICS and SPORTS. You can request creation of other forums on any topics you'd like to discuss: TRAVEL, GRANDPARENTHOOD, KNITTING VS CROCHET: THE WAR CONTINUES, COUCH POTATOING, etc. Instructions for that, and how to participate in these forums, is also provided.


News about Website and 2023 Class Gift to ETHS

Plus: Who are "the Planners"??

11/11/2023 - Now that our recent Hackney's Gathering is a happy memory, the Planners have made provisions for the future of our Class's website with our existing funds and donated the remainder to ETHS, as detailed here.  This will both keep us together and give us a legacy. The website has been refreshed a bit, too.

Website: We're happy to announce that we had enough leftover class funds to guarantee this website until 2030. You'll be able to come here to keep up with '65er news for years to come!

Class Gift: The remainder of the class funds have been donated to support development of the new Health Science Center at ETHS, through the ETHS Foundation. Our $3000 donation is a nice chunk of the funding for the $1.2 million project, which will provide fully equipped, high tech spaces for training of nurses and other health professionals.

Who are "The Planners" anyhow? The people who have been working behind the scenes on Class of '65 news and events for the past few years or more are listed below.

First though: you don't need to wait for The Planners to plan things! Everyone is welcome to come up with ideas for fun ways to get together with classmates: local gatherings, cruises, hikes, bike clubs - the sky's the limit. You can Announce your activity here, and recruit for it or share your ideas by starting a discussion on our Conversation page. You can also become a reunion planner for the next big one. We'll make an announcement when the time comes.


The Planners 2023

Class Archivist: Helen Miller Weinstein has been doggedly maintaining a current and accurate list of classmates' names, addresses, and phone numbers since it was done by hand, before the internet and spreadsheets.

CEO: Enid Katz Shapiro masterminded our 50th Reunion and kept everyone on task.

Class Fund Administration: For many years, Sherry Drew has managed our class fund. This year, Bob Schmidt has stepped up to be our next manager.

Website Administration: Mary Blackwell created and develops this website. Mark Nelson is not only "the IT Guy" helping people struggling with the site, but he also underwrote the website until 2025 and beyond. Meg Sheridan Schmidt maintains our In Memory page and makes sure that there is accurate information and an obituary for each classmate, whenever possible.






October 21, 2023 - Save the Date and Spread the Word

A Class of ‘65 gathering is now in the works for October 21.  The planners have reserved a room on the main floor at Hackney’s on Lake for an evening of fun, memories and deep fried onion rings.  We will meet at 6:00 PM for dinner in the room where we lunched at our 50th.  $30 per person via check or $32 per person via Paypal will buy your meal and a cash bar will be available.  

If you can join us, would you please send an email to the Class address ( and we will send you a short form to complete and return along with instructions regarding payment.  We will need a headcount at least month in advance.  

Payment can then be made via check ($30 per person) payable and mailed to “ETHS 1965 Class Reunion, 1000 Indian Rd., Glenview, IL 60025-3318" or $32 per person to our Paypal account “ETHS Class of 1965 Reunion.”

Finally, please help spread the word by mentioning this post to any Class of 65er who may have missed it.  We are all hoping for a good turnout!

October 21 Reunion

Our upcoming ETHS ‘65 Reunion at Hackney’s on Lake  is fast approaching  - October 21 -  and it’s time to get a head count so that the planners can meet with the venue management and work on planning!  This means we will need to know who is actually going to attend.  All you need to do at this point is send us $30 per attendee and supply the names of the classmates and their guests.  Checks should be made payable and mailed to ETHS 1965 Class Reunion at 1000 Indian Road, Glenview, IL 60025-3318.  If you prefer, you can pay $32 per person to the Class Paypal account, “ETHS Class of 1965 Reunion.”  

Please remind your friend to sign up by check or Paypal as soon as possible.  The “must respond by” date is October 13.

We are looking forward to seeing you!


We are aware that some of our '65 classmates and their spouses have been contacted by a man seeking information and purporting to be writing a book.  He uses a variety of false names and phone numbers.  Some who have received the calls have found them disturbing.  If you are contacted by this person, we suggest you hang up.  If you engage with him, he will likely persist.  If you feel threatened, contact your local law enforcement agency.


Mike Barnes, ETHS Class of 1964, has passed away

I learned on Aug 24 that brother Michael Francis Barnes passed away very recently. He was found in his boarding room after not picking up his mail for a few days.

He was born on May 26, 1946, and I'll mark his passing as August 23, 2023.

He is survived by daughter Barbara Barnes Brokaw, son Michael Barnes, sister Jenny Pack, brothers Chris and Jeff Barnes.

RIP brother Mike: you will be missed.

Obituary is at:

Correction to the Obituary: Mike was born in Chicago IL, spent early years in Skoie, Chicago and Evanston IL. Airforce service was 4/5/1966 to 5/24/1970.

Added note: Mike was very active in Evanston High School choir and musicals: YAMO (3 years), Kiss Me Kate, Carousel, and West Side Story. He also played the Boy in the Fantasticks at Pheasant Run playhouse in St. Charles IL. An avid swimmer, Mike was on the ETHS swim team and taught swimming with the Aquatics staff at ETHS.


Jeff Barnes

His remains laid to rest at Western New York National Cemetary.

Victor Pollak Book

Hello classmates: I am excited to announce the publication of my debut book, Saving the Light at Chartres: How the Great Cathedral and its Stained-Glass Treasures Were Rescued during World War II (Globe Pequot/Stackpole Books 2020), available now from booksellers. Learn more at about the rescue of the cathedral’s famous stained-glass windows as the war began and about the American Army Colonel who is credited with having saved the cathedral in August 1944 a few hours before his death, a courageous man little known to Americans but honored annually by the citizens of Chartres.

Our 55th Class Reunion

Our 55th Class Reunion is now right around the corner and plans have been made for a gathering on Friday, August 14, 2020, at 6 PM at Hackneys on Lake. The same rooms where we met for lunch for our 50th have been reserved for us. There will be lots of space, lots of parking, and easy access. We are keeping this event simple and casual with expectations only of spending a few happy hours with old friends and classmates. The following weekend, meaning August 15th and 16th, is available to any of you who want to make additional plans. More details and specifics regarding the 14th to be announced.

# 100 New Trier v. ETHS dual meet

December 14 at Evanston.


If you have school photos from grade school or junior high, please do consider scanning them and posting them to the '65ers Photos page.  Many of us have lost our own copies of these photos, and would love to see them again. You'll find instructions for posting scanned photos on the linked page.

"It's Miller Time!"

Miller School Kids are invited back to Miller School-- now a Montessori School-- on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015 at NOON for
a tour of those old hallways, exploration of the recent addition
to the school + a 1950's luncheon on site.

Special Attraction: Vera Strawniak Korchinski--better remembered as...Miss Strawniak, the Ukrainian Egg
teacher (6th grade, Miller School)

We hope you can come for a real throwback to the 1950's!
Hosted by Roger Dewes ( and
John Tetzlaff (

The price is right... it's on the house!

See you back in Evanston in September 2015 and at Miller School
on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015, NOON P.M.