L to R: Meg Drganc (Hammond), Susan Hambourger (Weindruch), Diane Talman (Price), ?, Scott Seltzer, Helen Miller (Weinstein), Sherry Drew, ?, Phyllis Mitchell, Joyce Mason
L to R: Meg Sheridan Schmidt and Scott Seltzer
L to R: David Tesnow, Hariet Dehlinger, and Meg Sheridan (Schmidt)
L to R: Laura Saunders (Hull), Jeannette Madsen (Campbell), and Susan Hambourger (Weindruch)
L to R: Susan Hambourger (Weindruch), Genny Murphy (Powers), and Laura Saunders (Hull)
L to R: Diane Talman (Price), Jeannette Madsen (Campbell), and Genny Murphy (Powers)
L to R: Linda Singer (Riegelhaupt), Bill Holland, Jim Weinstein, and ?
L to R: Eric Antonsen and David Tesnow Photobombers, L to R: Jim Weinstein and Bill Holland
L to R: Phyllis Mitchell, Helen Miller (Weinstein), and Sherry Drew
L to R: Susan Brooks (Zlaket), Eric Antonsen, and Genny Murphy (Powers)
L to R: Bill Holland, ?, ?, and ?
L to R: ?, ? and ?
L to R: Hariet Dehlinger, David Tesnow, and Jeannette Madsen (Campbell)
L to R: Jeannette Madsen (Campbell), Hariet Dehlinger, and David Tesnow
L to R: Jeannette Madsen (Campbell) and Scott Selzer
L to R: Scott Seltzer, Hariet Dehlinger, and David Tesnow